Updates From The Field

By Alain Rasolo, Safina Center Junior Fellow

Work in progress illustrations by Rasolo

As part of my Safina Center fellowship, I recently went on a two day hike to Vatoharana Ranomafana National Park, with a team of researchers that study Eulemur rufifrons, or red-fronted lemurs. I joined them to take photos and assist them on the botanical aspects of their study. Inspired by this expedition, I began an illustration of mushrooms, complete with descriptions and a study of their colour palettes for other uses (Lamba the traditional garment in particular) as part of a new book series. After this journey I also began working on another piece about Batsiray, the tropical cyclone that hit Madagascar hard in February. In this piece I hope to express how terribly strong, destructive, and powerful this storm was.

Leaf tailed gecko ©Alain Rasolo

Additionally, I have been going on night hikes, taking pictures of chameleons, snakes, frogs, mouse lemurs and bats. Collecting materials and inspiration for illustrations as I continue to develop my projects.

Milne-Edward’s Sifakas ©Alain Rasolo