Environmental History and Music Fellow
Photo by Nalini Natarajan

Paul Greenberg
Looking out at an anchoveta fishing fleet off the coast of Peru. Photo by PBS Frontline

conservationist in residence
Writer, photographer, and conservationist
Hob osterlund
Documenting Laysan albatrosses in Kauai, Hawaii. Photo by Melissa Groo

Youth Broadcasting Fellow
Erik Callender
Displaying snakes to an audience. Photo courtesy Erik Callender

Historical Journalism Fellow
Raffi Khatchadourian
Raffi Khatchadourian speaking with Admiral Thad Allan in a Coast Guard airplane flying over the BP oil spill. Photo by U.S. Coast Guard.

senior fellows Network
Dani Khan Da Silva
is an award-winning documentary photographer, director, and leader. She is the founder and executive director of Photographers Without Borders, a non-profit organization that supports grassroots community initiatives with storytelling media. As a Safina Center Fellow, she produced documentaries about indigenous conservation with National Geographic, Patagonia, and more.
You can learn more about Dani’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2024
J. Drew Lanham
is an author, poet, and MacArthur Fellow who creates prose and verse focusing on a passion for wild places and the personal and societal conflicts that often put conservation and culture at odds. Birds are his conduit for conversation.
Learn more about Drew’s work, here.
Fellowship completed: 2023
Eric Gilman, Phd
is an ocean scientist who conducts research on fisheries, fishing gear and marine protected areas. Some of his specializations include developing of electronic fisheries monitoring systems and addressing lost or abandoned (“ghost”) fishing gear. Eric’s research is highly cited in papers published in top-tier scientific journals.
Learn more about Eric’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2022
David rothenberg, Phd
is a clarinetist, philosopher and author. He is best known for making music live with the sounds of nature. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow, he participated in numerous musical collaborations, with both humans and nonhuman animals, including mockingbirds and cicadas, and also landscapes. David also published the books Nightingales in Berlin and The Possibility of Reddish Green, in addition to new research on mockingbird song—noting striking similarities in their sound to Beethoven, Tuvan throat singing, a Disney musical and Kendrick Lamar.
Learn more about David’s work, here.
Fellowship completed: 2021
Dr. Katarzyna Nowak
is a conservation biologist. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow she has researched monkeys, elephants, and mountain goats, and their capacity to adapt to change and coexist with humans. Katarzyna has also been a key collaborator in the 500 Woman Scientists project, an effort to elevate the visibility of female- and female-identifying scientists.
You can learn more about Katarzyna’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2020
Ben mirin
is an acoustic sound artist and explorer. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow, he has led expeditions around the world recording animal sounds to advance scientific research and create music and art that inspires conservation.
You can learn more about Ben’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2020
Kike Calvo
is an award-winning photographer and author focused on culture and the environment. As a Safina Center Fellow, he worked with his organization Little Explorer, Big World to write and publish dozens of bilingual children’s books about conservation and environmental justice, and distributed them to remote communities for free.
You can learn more about Kike’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2024
Amy Gulick
is an award-winning photographer and writer, and a founding Fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers. She is a columnist for Outdoor Photographer, and her images and stories have been featured in Audubon, National Wildlife, Sierra, National Geographic NewsWatch, The New Republic, and other publications.
Learn more about Amy’s work, here.
Fellowship completed: 2023
Jacqueline L. Scott
is a writer, and expert in Social Justice Education. As a Safina Center Fellow, she perused a PhD at the University of Toronto. Her thesis is on the perception of the wilderness in the Black imagination. It is part of a wider research project on how to make outdoor recreation and environmentalism more welcoming for Black people in Canada.
Learn more about Jacqueline’s work, here.
Fellowship completed: 2023
Ian urbina
is an investigative journalist. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow he launched his The Outlaw Ocean Project, a creative multimedia reporting endeavor comprising experimental music, hard-hitting news stories, speaking engagements, expert testimony, his book The Outlaw Ocean, and more.
You can learn more about Ian’s work, here.
Fellowship completed: 2020
Robin huffman
is a painter and primate advocate. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow, Robin split her time between the U.S. and Africa to care for primates orphaned or injured by the illegal bushmeat and pet trades. She painted large portraits of primates, most of whom she has personally cared for at sanctuaries, in order to share their stories and their plight.
You can learn more about Robin’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2020
Chris Jordan
is an artist, photographer, and filmmaker who creates powerful images depicting the issue of mass consumption and degradation of the natural world. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow, Chris completed and began touring his acclaimed film, Albatross.
You can learn more about Chris’ work here.
Fellowship completed: 2017
John weller and shawn heinrichs
are photographers and conservationists. As Safina Center Senior Fellows, Shawn and John have worked together to address the need for marine protected areas worldwide, and who have brought attention to the poaching of sharks and rays, and the need for marine protection in Indonesia and the Antarctic.
You can learn more about John work here, and Shawn’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2017
Dr. Ellen prager
is an author and marine scientist. As a Safina Center Senior Fellow, Ellen has worked to make the world of science entertaining and understanding for people of all ages.
You can learn more about Ellen's work here.
Fellowship completed: 2016
Debra Abercrombie & Dr. demian chapman
are shark scientists studying shark geneticists and conservation. As Safina Center Senior Fellows, they worked to track populations of sharks and rays across coral reefs in an attempt to better understand anthropogenic pressures.
You can learn more about Debra’s work here, and Demian’s work here.
Fellowship completed: 2015