Paul Greenberg for A Third Term at People's Book
Join Safina Center Writer-in-Residence Paul Greenberg for a reading and discussion of his speculative fiction novel A Third Term at People’s Book in Takoma Park, MD!
A Third Term is a speculative fiction by New York Times bestselling author Paul Greenberg in which a Democratic political operative snatches George Washington from his deathbed in 1799 and brings him to the present era. Riddled with pneumonia, possessing dentures fashioned from slave’s teeth, and an aristocratic sensibility tempered by war and religious faith, Washington will require considerable rehabilitation to pose a challenge to the man he only refers to as “The Tyrant.” But a wily, unorthodox campaign manager and a sexy, sympathetic personal trainer are up for the job.
This is a free in-person event. Seated capacity at People’s Book is 50 patrons. Standing room is an option. All events are first-come, first-served seating. Accessible seating is always available.
For more information and to register, please visit: https://peoplesbooktakoma.com/event/third-term/
7014 Westmoreland Ave Suite A,
Takoma Park, MD 20912