Helping Others to Help The World
By Kike Calvo, Safina Center Fellow
During the first part of 2022, The Adventures of Pili has supported the mission of multiple organizations working with children in remote communities. Through an effort called Taller de Klo, we provided books to indigenous people in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and La Guajira, including the Arhuaca Community of Katansama ; the Kogi Community Tungeka in the Lower Guajira; and the Arimaka Community in la Guajira. We extended our support
to Fundación Omacha and Fundación Etnollano, for distribution of materials in the Amazonia and the Orinoquía; Bonanza Reserva Natural in Jamundí; and to Astuhermosas, an educational effort in the Hermosas Canyon, an area historically very affected by the conflict in Colombia.
We were delighted to discover that the Arabic-English version of our book The Adventures of Pili in New York was used as part of a storytime organized by the Arabic American National Museum, the only museum of its kind in the United States.
As the conflict in Ukraine escalated, we mobilized our creative team to translate two of our most iconic books into English-Ukrainian. Digital versions of the books were donated to 300 refugee families staying at the University of Lotz in Poland and sent to the Chief of Press in Kyiv / Lviv for internal distribution among organizations helping children. And we are in conversations with the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine to complete our donation there, too. Multiple people across the world helped pass the books to Ukrainians they may know around the world, so they would eventually reach more children affected by the conflict.
The most recent action has been the donation of a selection of our books to the Biblioteca para Galápagos y el Mundo, in Puerto Ayora, Galápagos Islands (Ecuador), so they could be used in educational activities in months to come.
We thrive seeing our educational materials become part of the efforts of others, adding to the conversation, but most importantly, becoming key in supporting a myriad of organizations and projects.