On Kauai, Hawaii, documenting Laysan albatrosses. Photo courtesy Hob Osterlund

2024 projects

  • Working to prevent feral cat predation of mōlī and other native birds of Hawaii.

  • Kaua'i radio public service announcements about albatross and conservation

  • Birds of Kilauea Point

  • In association with the Hawaii Wildlife Canter and others, Hob has helped launch the Kauai Wildlife Coalition and a new “Wildlife-Friendly Business” designation

  • Hob continues to monitor and keep data on various albatross colonies on Kauai

Conservationist in residence

Hob osterlund


Hob Osterlund is the founder of the Kaua'i Albatross Network and the author of Holy Mōlī: Albatross and Other Ancestors (Oregon State University Press), now in its fourth printing. Hob produced the Telly-award winning documentary Kalama's Journey, a story about an albatross chick adopted by two moms, and about the crucial role she could play for her species as sea levels rise. Through public presentations, social media and bird guiding, Hob tirelessly inspires people to care about the magnificent mōlī of Hawaii. 

Photo: Hob and Laysan albatross chick. © Joanne Little

Photo: Hob and Laysan albatross chick. © Joanne Little