Wildlife Science meets the Future!

By Alex Troutman, Safina Center Junior Fellow

Photo courtesy Alex Troutman

“Oh well…our people are set up all the time at boat-and-wildlife shows, so people shouldn't have a problem seeing us,” was the response to my statement that “the State Wildlife Officer Division needed to do a better job with not only improving diversity within the organization, but also connecting with the community.” After, I was asked how well my local agency is doing with diversity and whether I have ever seen a Wildlife Officer in my community.

This shouldn't be the case. Organizations should be proactive and bring science and natural resources to the people, not put the onus on the community to come to your organization. It's sad and disappointing that there is a State Park within six miles of the community, but there has never been a Department of Natural Resources Officer or employee to visit our school. So they are not exposing individuals, yet the Agency questions why there is a lack of diversity in their organization.

Photo courtesy Alex Troutman

Over the last year as a Safina Center Junior Fellow, I have had the chance to connect with numerous individuals and school groups of future scientists and conservationists. The pandemic made it HARD, but not impossible to make science accessible to this group. I have had to get creative in meeting them where they are at with science. From classroom and virtual visits, to being hosted by aquariums and sometimes even meeting in parks deep in the city, obstacles and barriers were overcome and leveled to ensure that these kids were exposed to science.

Photo courtesy Alex Troutman

Photo courtesy Alex Troutman

Sure, I  had  to take extra steps or spend more time figuring out logistics and developing new ways to deliver content and ensure that it is understandable across age groups. That's a sacrifice you have to make if you truly want to make sure your  science is accessible, and you're not forcing the individual to meet YOU, the knowledge holder on your terms, but instead you are putting in the work needed to make sure that the Science is meeting the Future…Conservationist, Wildlife Biologist, Marine Scientist, and Every Other Type of Science Career Out There.

Photo courtesy Alex Troutman

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