Bringing Light to Shadows: Little Explorer, Big World's Mission in Bolivia's Prisons

By Safina Center Fellow Kike Calvo

©ACH - CAICC Bolivia & Inti-Nest /Little Explorer, Big World

In the heart of Bolivia in Cochabamba, hidden from the everyday gaze and seldom discussed, are spaces where innocence is confined within four stark walls. Here, in several Bolivian prisons, children live with their incarcerated mothers in conditions that are difficult to fathom. These young lives unfold in an environment devoid of the freedom and joy that childhood rightfully deserves. They reside in spaces where even basic furniture must be crafted by their mothers' hands, a stark testament to their resilience and the harsh realities they face daily.

Upon discovering the dire situation of these children, who are deprived of any contact with the outside world, Little Explorer, Big World—an initiative dedicated to fostering global environmental awareness and promoting multilingual literacy—was moved to action. Understanding the transformative power of education and empathy, we initiated a collaboration with the Inti-Nest Foundation to bring a beacon of hope and learning to these young souls.

What makes this initiative particularly special is our focus on inclusivity and cultural respect. The books we are bringing are not just any books; they are bilingual treasures, written in both Spanish and Quechua. This choice honors the linguistic heritage of many of the children and their families, providing them with stories and knowledge in languages that speak directly to their hearts.

These books are more than just educational tools; they are windows to vast, vibrant worlds; gateways to dreams and possibilities beyond the confining walls. Through tales of nature, adventure, and the diverse tapestry of global cultures, we aim to ignite imaginations and nurture a sense of wonder and curiosity in these children.

Our commitment through Little Explorer, Big World is to undertake micro-actions that collectively create significant impacts. By bringing smiles through stories, we aim to lighten the burden of the circumstances these children face. It is a small step towards altering a grim narrative, offering not just a temporary escape through the magic of reading but also fostering a continuous and enduring hope.

©ACH - CAICC Bolivia & Inti-Nest /Little Explorer, Big World

The journey has just begun, and the path is long. However, with each book delivered and each child's smile, we are reminded of the power of small deeds in making big changes. This initiative is a call to all who believe in the transformative power of kindness, education, and community action. Together, with your support and involvement, we can continue to expand this mission, reaching more children and bringing more light into the shadows cast by confinement.

Let's turn the pages of despair into narratives of hope and empowerment. Join in supporting our actions in Bolivia. When donating, please specify that you want your contributions to support our Bolivia actions. Together, we can make a difference—one book, one child, one smile at a time. Links

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©ACH - CAICC Bolivia & Inti-Nest /Little Explorer, Big World