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Join Dr. Lori Marino for the (virtual) 2021 Canadian Animal Law Conference

Register for the (virtual) 2021 Canadian Animal Law Conference, featuring appearances by Dr. Lori Marino, Safina Center Creative Affiliate.

The Canadian Animal Law Conference is an annual conference focused on animal law, with an emphasis on Canada and North America, but informed by global approaches. This year, the conference features an online exciting program with thought-provoking presentations by leading experts from around the world—including lawyers, scholars, politicians, scientists, and advocates.

In 2021, the Canadian Animal Law Conference will feature an entire day devoted to the North American Animal Law Conference. The program for this special day will feature a Scholars Track of presentations, offered in partnership with the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law & Policy. The Scholars Track is an opportunity for attendees to hear from experts in the field of animal law and policy, in a moderated, keynote-style format conducive to deeper thought and consideration of a particular topic. Featuring prominent speakers from across North America, the Scholars Track is guaranteed to be a conference highlight, and will be held on Friday, October 1.

(The annual Student Animal Law Conference will also take place on Friday, October 1, and will feature a program of interest to law students in Canada and abroad. Admission to the Student Animal Law Conference for law students is included in the price of a student ticket.)

Learn more and register here.